Heirlooms for her whanau...

This amazing lady is Yvonne, she is matriarch to 3 kids, 17 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. I know the legacy quality portraits that we created for her will become heirlooms for her whanau and be cherished for generations.

Her amazing daughter Priscilla gifted her mother a photoshoot with us, to show her mum just how much she loves her and is so grateful for all that she does. She moved all the way up to Whangarei to care for some of her grand-children and is now enjoying our beautiful city and being closer to her mokopuna.

Thank you for spending the day with us Yvonne, you are one incredible woman and I can see why your family love you so much.

Hair and make up Kasey George - Makeup Artist


Christmas is Fast Approaching - Give the gift that lasts a lifetime!


Time to spoil yourself, get dressed up and remember that you really are AMAZING!?