Sarahlee Studio

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Studying body language is my thing, I remember watching, analysing and trying to understand the unspoken communication long before I picked up a camera. ⁠⁠
So when it comes to directing people into poses every little movement I coach is considered. From leaning forward to look engaged, to bringing the elbows out to show confidence, dropping the shoulders and relaxed hands to look comfortable, turning the body to slim down the waist, a slight head tilt for kindness and a big welcoming smile. ⁠⁠
How much did you see?⁠⁠
📸 @Canon 5Dmrk4, 50mm Lens, 1/200th sec, f4, iso400, Natural light 45' camera right, two white reflectors either side of subject, handpainted backdrop @sarahleestudio, makeup @blushbeautytherapy