Sarahlee Studio

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Glamour photography is unglamorous behind the scenes

But it is a lot of fun!

From the clips in the back of clothes, to the giant fake walls, the fabric over posing boxes, the odd positions we pose you in and then we get you awkwardly close to each other.

Why all the faff? And what is with the card that you assistant has to hold at the start of every look? (Queue @kaseygeorgemakeupartist)

Well, there is method to the madness and it's all the little details that make your images perfect:

- Clips make your outfit look tailored to fit just perfect, or hold it up when the zip doesn't quite fit.
- The fake walls are reflectors, subtle lighting tweaks, that either minimise or exaggerate shadows which highlight or diminish cheek bones, wrinkles or any other texture.
- Fabric over boxes is the quick easy way to have multiple different coloured boxes in an instant. And we can hide many other things if we need to too.
- Those odd positions, might feel weird in real life but trust me, from the angle the camera sees, you look a million dollars, and we can even change your body shape if you want it to.
- Getting close and personal with your family or whoever you are being photographed is because everyone looks further apart than they do in real life, and that hug and touching hands = connection
- Lastly the infamous "Grey Card" ~ technical term. Is exactly 18% grey, with no tone or colour cast. It's the quick and easy way that we can ensure you receive the correct skin tone when we process your images. And as the human eye can differentiate 256 shades of grey, exactly 18% is important.

Plus we get awesome shots like this lol.