Life after separation

I never knew that someone who I thought I loved for almost 20years could rock my world … I found my inner strength that I didn't know I had inside of me when I was at my lowest. I have proved to myself I have got a life and a purpose, I have grown from everything that was meant to hurt me and have risen above the slander, the haters, the narcissist, and the backstabbers because they only chose to listen to one side of the story and my side wasn't even taken into consideration. I wish people wouldn't judge and pick sides from hearsays and rumours. Just because you hear something doesn't mean it's actually the truth, have the balls to go directly to a person and ask them the truth, there is always two sides to a story. The happiest people hide their sadness very well so be kind because you don't know what another person is going through. Healing takes time, there is no time frame on how long it will take.

I have learnt a hard lesson to remove people that are not true friends but pretended to be. I realised that I didn't need to explain myself to anyone because people that really know and love me stood by my side and believed in me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends who fully support me and who have been there for me for the past year and a half.

I have learned to be stronger and wiser and no longer let people walk over me like I used to. I have realised my worth and now have healthy boundaries, I'm very selective now of who I allow into my circle, my peace is worth much more than buying into someone else's toxic drama so I distance myself from those situations and people as much as I can now because they are not worth my time and energy. I guess I've gone through a huge transformation a bit like how a butterfly goes through it's metamorphis stage and I have now grown my wings and I'm learning to spread them and fly like I was always meant to. I am so proud of everything I have overcome and been through this past year and a half and I'm going to continue to shine and do things that make me happy.

At the time I felt like my whole world was crumbling and burying me like there was no way out or how the hell am I going to get through this, it was really hard and I did go through a really dark time but I had so many reasons to push through. Just live in the now and take one day at a time, you can't be happy all the time and some days are going to be really tough but you have to push through because it does get easier. Find just one thing every day to be grateful for and just watch things slowly getting better. My children lit up my world with their laughter and smiles on my low days. I’m constantly inspired by my kids and all the things I have accomplished this year and a half by myself, the things I am grateful for and to find the positives in life. Learning to love myself was a huge thing and believing that I deserve the best and I can do anything!

Things that matter most for me are the moments I spend with my children, family and friends. This year has taught me even more so to cherish everything on a greater scale, the good and the bad because life passes us by in a flash, stepping out of my comfort zone and doing things I never would have done in the past. I made myself a 2021 Goals List of everything I wanted to try, do or experience and it's such an awesome feeling making those things a reality and ticking them off my list. I love doing random acts of kindness to friends, family and strangers and helping with things where I can.

I am so proud of all the challenges I have overcome and the massive growth I have done as a person, I'm not the same person I was a year and a half ago. I have learnt so many things from using a petrol weed-eater, splitting my own firewood to changing my child's bike tyre and managing everything on my own. I am a strong and independent woman and so proud of it! I now know my worth and I won't settle for less ever again.


