Sarahlee Studio

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Moving to New Zealand

I am originally from South Africa.. and in 2001 my husband David was offered employment in England .. ..which he accepted. It was all very exciting, we made our home in Bedford for 18yrs.. .Whilst there we travelled all around the U.K. also visiting Spain, Portugal and Paris, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. We also visited the islands of Jersey and Guernsey also Mauritius.... Whilst in England my daughter & son moved to New Zealand, we also managed to travel there for a holiday... David retired 2 years ago and we thought it would be a great idea to retire in New Zealand... My son, Zane, & his wife, Ruth, helped us to get a Parental visa so we were delighted that we could be near our family and also spend time with our grandchildren ...

It was a very exciting time but also very challenging.....we had to sell our home in the U.K. and my daughter Carly was marrying Neal in the October 2019. I had bought my outfit and was very excited to be going to their wedding in New Zealand and also making a new life there for ourselves... but we could not finalise the sale of our house in time so we were unable to attend the wedding! It was a very trying time ...we eventually arrived in New Zealand 4th November 2019...I was overwhelmed with it all and in Aprll 2020 my Mom in South Arica passed away, I was so overwhelmed with grief and knew my life would never be the same again! My husband and children were a great support for me & I tried to settle in our new home.....

Life never goes according to what we expect the unexpected.......but don't give up there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and if you need help in any way don't hesitate to ask for it! Sometimes we make plans hoping for the best, but there is a higher power that controls our destiny! My current focus is to get settled in New Zealand with my husband and saying yes to life and accepting challenges!

I walk past Sarahlee's studio after my Pilates class and one day I saw her advertisement in the window titled 'WHO I AM' It just seemed so appropriate to the way I was feeling.. I thought WOW it would be lovely to do something I enjoyed when I was younger, (I did quite a lot of photographic modelling in my youth) as I felt I was losing who I was. Sarahlee and Kasey made me feel very special when I most needed it. I want to thank Sarahlee for the amazing time I had with having my photos taken.