Sarahlee Studio

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My story is not a story of tragedy, it is a story of life.


It is about making the most of every experience I have gone through. Some are good, some are sad, some have been hard to navigate but what I have choosen to take away from them is a positive life lesson to carry me forward into the next step of my life. I love my life ....most of the time .....


On the hard days I think to myself that tomorrow is another day and in 6 months time, yesterday will be a memory. Iā€™m inspired by waking up next to my sole mate and talking to my family. My family is the most important thing in life.

Choosing to make positive out of as many situations as possible has lessened the impact of those hard experiences. It has made me appreciate the good in life and the people around me that I care most about. There are experiences, situations and times in my life where it has all seemed too much, the hurt or the betrayal of people but these have brought me to where I am in life now and even though at the time it seemed never ending and hopeless, I can now look back on those situations and take comfort in the fact that it has got me to where I am now, with an amazing husband, 3 children and my first grandy's arrival in May.


I am proud of myself, where I am in life and my family. For approx 20 years I have been a stay at home mum, dairy farmer's wife, and now my children have left home and embarked on their own life journeys, I am so proud of the adults they have become and every day I am thankful to be their mother I have now started my own journey back into a career, I am becoming me Jodi - an individual, with my own opinions/ thoughts/ path to travel, this is an exciting path to be taking.

Taking part in this photo shoot gave me the chance to show the visual picture of myself that my life doesn't allow, I got to become glamorous and it was amazing to be pampered with hair/ makeup and a photogragher that makes you feel beautiful.