This beautiful soul with the sparkle in her eyes is Karen, a hardworking dairy farmer who booked herself a shoot after an incredible weight loss journey. This session wasn’t just about photos - it was about rediscovering who she is now, recognising her new reflection, and truly appreciating how strong she is and everything she’s been through.
For one day, she wasn’t a mum, she wasn’t helping her parents, she wasn’t juggling a hundred things at once. She was simply Karen. During hair and makeup, we laughed and chatted about life - the big shifts after divorce, raising two teenagers, and that wild moment when you realise it’s you who can fit into their clothes now!
Karen, you are such a strong, beautiful woman, and every single one of your images shines with your newfound confidence and joy. Thank you for having the courage to reach out, for not waiting any longer to do this for you. I can’t wait for you to see them all!
Make up and Hair @kaseygeorge_mua @kaseygeorgemua