A very deserving winner...

On Thursday the lovely Sonya brought her mother, daughter and son into the studio for some special photos. This gorgeous woman won the door prize to last years Northland Women's Lifestyle Expos NZ at Kensington Stadium. 

And whether you won a voucher, were given it by someone who loves you dearly or you booked yourself in for a shoot, everyone receives the same amazing experience with us. 
Hair and Make up to make you look and feel amazing, (age appropriate of course), the option to use our studio wardrobe, posing instructions on how to sit, stand and smile (sometimes even roar ğŸ˜‚) And you'll end up with the most beautiful portraits you have ever seen of yourself and your loved ones. 

We are just about to launch into the lead up to mothers day (MAY 3rd), if you want to know more, or book a photo shoot for the upcoming school holidays. Contact us now, we are booking fast!

027 459 7280

Make up Waterfalls and Waves - Hair Stylist and Makeup Artist
hair Danelle Knight

Sarahlee studio Sonya

Your precious portraits are guaranteed to last.
