Everything from baseball shirts to ball gowns. 

When Emma's grandma gave her a gift voucher for a photo shoot with us, she didn't really know what to expect. So we sat down and chatted at her consultation about what she likes to wear day to day and something different and special for her shoot. We captured everything from baseball shirts to ball gowns. 

This brilliant girl is not only kind, caring and incredably humble, but she also represents New Zealand at aerobics in international compeitions. Her smile is totally infecious and when the music is right she busts out the coolest dance moves, smling from ear to ear and lifting the whole atmosphere with her. 

We absolutely loved spending the day with you Emma and Bridget (mum) thank you so much for being your beautiful selves. I can’t wait to show you your powerful, beautiful and showstopping portraits!

Hair and Make Up Kasey George - Makeup Artist


Want to show off the sensual side of you?


A heart of gold and a welcoming soul